Our Team

Founder & Co-Director

Mr. Sudhansu Kumar Parida

Founder of Edujoin Training Foundation
MBA in Finance, and experience of 21 year. He is working in the field of Education and Vocational Training from last 16 years. He is coordinating and Liasoning with all the Govt. Department, Corporate for smooth functioning of organization and projects. He was associated with organization like ICRI and Gras Academy. He is actively taking part in operation of the company. In his guidance the company growing continuously.

Mr. Amit Singh

Founder of Edujoin Training Foundation
MBA and Post Graduate and having around 17 years work experience. He has vast and insightful experience in Skill Development across operations. Valuable experience in Skill Development across operations, people & amp; end to end turnkey project management, he has worked with various corporates like TOI, GRAS and NIIT and has award winning performance in his tenures.

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